
Services / Unconscious Bias Mitigation

Learn how to mitigate the effects of unconscious bias in all areas of your business.

We are influenced by bias when making decisions. Some may be conscious; some, unconscious. Some helpful, some less helpful. It is these less than helpful unconscious biases that have potential to negatively impact ourselves, those around us, and our business. Learning to identify and mitigate unconscious bias will improve your business decision making process and unlock your potential.

Taking control of your decision-making will benefit your staff, clients, and organisation.

Key features

Raise awareness - Realising the mental shortcuts our brains take is the first step in mitigating unconscious bias.

Understanding the concept - We train your team to recognise and understand unconscious bias while creating new habits that will help to mitigate it’s impact.

Better decision making – our proven methods will help you to mitigate unconscious bias and we will provide you with tools for more effective decision making.

What your business stands to gain

As individuals, understanding how to recognise and mitigate unconscious bias allows for a higher level of decision making. Within a business setting, this improved decision making leads to less impulsive choices, more thorough thinking, and bigger wins for your team.

Our training is built upon the foundations of research in the area of cognitive neuroscience and is proven to help businesses make the most of their people. Brain-friendly training allows for the personal development of your team and their external relationships with those around them.

Empowering you to empower your people

Our innovative learning solutions are designed to develop leadership teams that are authentic, compassionate, and truly results oriented.

Leadership Development

We focus on conscious behavioural change and essential habit-building which allows for long term business growth.

Sales Team Alignment

Unlocking the path to a better sales team can make a huge difference to your business, both socially and financially.

Effective Communication

With our research-driven training, your team will have a deeper understanding of the science of communication.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Creating a truly diverse and inclusive culture is how your organisation can harness the power that diversity brings.

Unconscious Bias Mitigation

Learning identify and mitigate unconscious bias will improve your business decision making process and unlock increased potential.

Growth Mindset Development

Identifying the limits that we put on ourselves and learning how to shift our mindset will turn those limits into possibilities.

Individual and Team Coaching

Understanding people is what we do, and our coaching helps people gain a deeper understand of themselves.

Take the first step

Discover how to manage the effects of unconscious bias and build a more productive decision-making process. Call our team to get started.